
Pietro Pecorari
The story
Seen by T.Paloscia
The gallery
San Martino
Books and art prints




1965 "le Muse" gallery, corso Vannucci, Perugia

1968 Viotti gallery, Torino

1969 Arno gallery, Firenze

1972 Cecchini gallery, Baldeschi palace, Perugia

1973 "Franco Polcri" gallery, San Sepolcro, Arezzo

1974 Casa del popolo, Umbertide, Perugia

1980 Rucellai palace, Firenze

1985 Experimental center of journalism, Milano

1988 City hall, Sestino, Arezzo

1989 Flower festival, Pistrino, Perugia

1993 Ville de Beausoleil, Montecarlo

1996 Corso Italia, Arezzo

1996 Basilica of Assisi

1999 City hall, Panicale sul Trasimeno

1999 Church of S.Francesco, Città di Castello

2003 The parish church, Canoscio, Città di Castello

2006 Rocca Paolina, Perugia

2006 Ciacci jewelry, San Giustino

2007 Praetorian Palace, San Sepolcro

2007 City hall, Citerna, Città di Castello

2007: designed the poster and partecipated at the conference "Art and society. The public contemporary art", organized by the University of Padua

2008 Talamelli jewelry, Città di Castello

2009 Rocca Paolina, Perugia

2010 Between Shadows and Colours, Arezzo

2012 Fantasy and Colour's Games

2013 Armonies and Dissonances

2015 Rocca di Umbertide

2016 Tela Umbra Museum

2017 Art Biennial CIAO UMBRIA - special award winner

2017 ARTé Gallery, Città di Castello

2018 Art's Glasses

2019 Art's Glasses 2